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Thursday 15 September 2011

reply x kng budi...

Dear Efa (a name I made up, hahaha so clever me)…
There are 2 types of people in this world.
First type are the ones who kenang budi sampai mati.
Second are those yang tak kenang budi langsung. Wait, correction. Derang kenang budi tuh tapi buat-buat lupa.
For the first type, syabas mere beta!!
For the second type, here comes my lenghty reply.
I have had this type of people all around  me my entire life. From school to university to work.
The whole 9 mile.
The thing is…what’s fucking insane is that we tend to feel bad when orang tuh yang tak kenang budi. Why is that ek?
For me senang je. Lets call her sis-in-law Otakebu.
Efa, my advice to you is, feel nothing for Otakebu. Because you must always remember orang tak kenang budi nie selalunya has a worst tide to them. Apa yang u nampak is just the surface.
My best advice is to stay clear from people like this.
For me simple je. Since I nie mulut jahat, I akan kasik hentam kaw-kaw je. I will reverse the tables. I will give her the cold shoulder and I will show her my muka gampang.
2 can play the same game. You just have to show her who make play it better.
It’s clear Otakebu is pretending at home to be all nice and all. The truth is she’s not.
Simple, kat rumah rub it in her face that she’s lucky to get the job because of you. You see, if you can’t beat them, then you’ll have to join them. Ber-Tango-lah dengan Otakebu.
To me, if people give me shit, I give you a pie made from shit.
Or you can try reverse psychology. The meaner she is to you, the better you treat  her. Put her mind in the guilty state. Show her that you are nothing like her.
If you cherish her as a friend and you’d like to foster ties, then take advice number 2.
If  not, please practice advice number 1 and have a great day.
Efa, my point will always be, people like that don’t deserve people like you. Me…I’m always struggling to find true friends. The ones around me are always pretentious. Hope I’m not stepping on any ones’ shoes here. I have a handful of great friends whom I can name here 1 by 1.
My life has always been about putting others first. Time and time again I have been stepped on and shoved to the side. No matter what good I do, people always seem unappreciative or salah faham my intentions.
You seem like a great friend to have Efa. And if Otakebu can’t appreciate that, please I ask that you to let it go.
Don’t upset yourself over some fucked person.
Orang macam nie…orang lain memang tak nampak salah silap dia coz dia cam baik, alim, bertudung. Orang selalu lupa yang gambaran luaran hanya menggambarkan luaran semata-mata. Dalam tuh takde siapa tau.
Efa, don’t stress out. Chill a little. You lose 1 sis-in-law, you’ll gain 2 friends.
Fuck it. You don’t have to be nice and try hard just because she’s your sis-in-law. Tak penting pon orang camtuh. Yang penting, your family (which does not consist of her) and your true friends.
Sejauh mana pon die nak pergi kalo orang buat baik kat dia tapi dia balas ngan taik??
I know you feel hurt coz she kindda like stole your friend from you. Tapi itu pon kawan kah? Kalo kawan…she won’t do that. Knowing you have confided in her and trusted her, she wouldn’t push you aside if she was a true friend. Which means she is not lah kan.
Jadiknya pendek kata…hapuskanlah nyamuk dengan Ridsect!
Bitches will always tend to be attracted bitches. Let them flock together. You lose nothing when you don’t associate yourself with them.

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